Creating a Predefined Event

The Predefined Events feature allows you to create an event that can be triggered when locking an estimate. Additionally, this feature allows you to view events defined by an insurance company. You cannot edit the insurance company table. However, you can assign additional mandatory rules in the Claim Office Predefined table. Options include Required to Lock and Communicated for events that you create.

This feature is also available in insurance company and claim office profiles.

To create a Predefined Event

  1. Select Configure > Profiles from the menu bar.
  2. Select the profile, and then select Edit from the mini-toolbar.
  3. Click the Predefined Events link.
  4. Select Add from the Predefined Events toolbar. The Predefined Event screen opens.
  5. Enter the event information in the required fields.
  6. Click OK to close the Predefined Event screen.
  7. Click Save and Close from the toolbar.

Note: Other options include editing and deleting a Predefined Event.


Estimating Settings

Screen Description

Add Event Screen

Claim Office Profile - Predefined Events Screen







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